A membership for the spiritually curious & the ever expanding beings who know they are intuitively gifted, and are here to tap into their personal power.

Hi, I’m Celina, your guide through
Micro-dosing Magic:

You know your gifts lie between the liminal space of your humanity and your spiritual being.

Which means, the way you explore expansive energy work, still needs to be practical and consider your lived experience in order to deeply integrate into your life. This is a membership for trauma informed practical magic that will meet your curiosity and desired expansion in a result driven, personally attuned kind of way. 

*Now offering Monthly and Yearly Memberships!


44/month or 444/year


77/month or 777/year

Your magic needs a world beyond social media guidance of good and bad witch, lovely vibes only, and bypassing of the human experience.

If you’ve felt like…

  • The constant blast of social content you take in only solidifies the thoughts you have about your place in your world of magic 

  • You desire more than what you've been given but haven’t been able to find the words, or the ‘things’ of what more is yet

  • Your awareness of your magic has only increased, but what to do with it and what it even MEANS to practice your intuitive gifts in your everyday life feels like a mystery

Then you’ve landed in the right place.

Your magic is your birthright,

and you can’t get it wrong.

How you infuse your intention and intuition into your daily life absolutely needs to be done in a way where you can move at your own pace, and not feel broken while doing it. 

Magic can be that simple

You don’t have to ”ascend beyond the 5D” to illuminate more of your gifts, to call in what you desire, or gain access to the wisdom of your Spirit Guides, you need practical paths to reconnect to the deep knowing you were born with.

Which you’ll find here. 

You know your intuitive gifts are asking to be unwrapped more and more each day. 

You landing here was no accident.

The universe isn’t a magic genie, and you don’t get your practice, life, or magic wrong by not doing a new moon ritual, or not bleeding into a cup and writing with it (unless that’s your thing, then go off).

I want you to feel and know the power of your magic without it always having to be a thing.

Micro-Dosing Magic [ Macro]

$77 every month


$777 annually

✓ Monthly Live Calls

✓ Practical Magic Practices

✓ Monthly Focus & Flow email

✓ Access to our private community space

✓ Spirit Q&A Calls [only on the Macro Plan]

✓ Close Friends Content [only on the Macro Plan]

Micro-Dosing Magic [ Micro]

$44 every month


$444 annually

✓ Monthly Live Calls

✓ Practical Magic Practices

✓ Monthly Focus & Flow email

✓ Access to our private community space





We LOVE options here, which is why you’ll find that you can choose your own dose and adventure here.

What separates the Micro and Macro membership tiers is the access to my Close Friends on IG AND two bonus calls a month called Spirit Q&As.

The Macro tier is for the person who wants to stay more anchored and connected to this work throughout the month. My Close Friends is a space where I offer: bonus teachings, space for sharing and reflecting, a chance to hear the experiences of other members and source your own clarity through their shares. Spirit Q&A Calls are where I pull tarot and connect with your spirit guides to deliver guidance for your questions and insight for the whole group!

This is for the person who wants more regular access to my personal guidance and feedback, and who would love the opportunity to receive clarity from their spirit guides on a weekly basis.

So if you want more of that support throughout the month as you implement and expand on this work, Macro is for you!

Some of the magic MM has already sparked:


Monthly Live Calls

Two monthly live calls, one being an energy healing and teaching on zoom, this will be a space where I will offer a group energy clearing, walk you through your own practice so you can further tap into your own gifts, and teachings to clarify how your connection to your spirit guides can be amplified through your daily magic. The second call is our collective ritual where as a community we will practice magic, embody the work, and in the moment expand on your natural intuitive gifts

*BONUS for Macro Members: Two Live Spirit Q&A Calls a month where I pull tarot and connect with your spirit guides to deliver guidance for your questions and insight for the whole group. This gives us the space to anchor spirit lessons into your real life and experience powerful AHA moments

Close Friends Content

Access to my Close Friends list on Instagram which includes bonus trainings throughout the week, Q&A’s, a place to share and hear stories from other people in the community, and every Friday members have an opportunity to have a question answered by their spirit guides via a tarot pull!

Practical Magic Practices

A pre-recorded practice that allows you to practice expanding your intuitive gifts. Depending on the month, this could look like candle magic, working with herbs, meditative work, etc. This practice will help you engage in practical magic in a stretchy but doable way

*BONUS access to my workshop:

Monthly Focus & Flow

An email at the beginning of the month outlining the theme we’ll be exploring which will give you the space to set your intention, get clear on where you want to expand your own gifts, and ground into the new energy you’ll be calling in. This will also outline what you can expect including the date/time for our monthly live call


  • How practical magic can be

  • The underbelly of your gifts and how to trust them more than gurus

  • The unique expression of your psychic connection and how to harness it

  • How to cultivate your own truth in spirituality and what sectors call to you

  • What infusing your gifts looks like in your business, relationship to self, personal life, and your greater purpose

Micro-Dosing Magic [Macro]

$77/month or $777 annually

Micro-Dosing Magic [Micro]

$44/month or $444 annually

We are busy people. 

Probably beyond what should be human capacity. I would rather be laying by a river eating fruit like some kind of forest nymph but I have to pay taxes and shit.

We have to do lists and to not do lists. We have jobs and side hustles and dishes and laundry. We have to eat everyday and some of us have to feed others. Sometimes we should consume a vegetable. It’s all a lot.

So while the idea of adding a bunch of “daily practices” or “rituals” sounds very lovely and all, who is going to do that? Who has the time?

Micro-dosing is a cute and effective way to add something to your life without needing more Post-its. It’s about finding the minimum effective dose of ritual and magic to infuse into the life you’re already living.

It’s both making small pockets of space and infusing new ideas into the long lists of things we’re already doing.

What we’re doing instead is monthly focuses and practices so you have the time and space to really connect with the work AND room for us to discuss the many layers of resistance that inevitably come up as we dive into this work.

So what if developing and expanding your intuitive gifts was simple? Because it is.

There’s no hack, there’s only the willingness to be in relationship with the Universe.

I want to show you how to take the most human things you do: like talk, write, walk, and use household items- and infuse intention in them.

That’s how we create practical magic.

This is the kind of shit that actually helps you feel present in your daily life, create business practices that feel both expansive and like home, and truly step into your most authentic self expression.


Each month is held together by an overarching theme that is key to your intuitive gift expression and connection to your spirit guides. This will be the core of our call, our practices, and what we channel and focus your energy work towards.


  • Rebirth and the energy of new beginnings

  • Expanding our capacity to receive love and abundance

  • Psychic connection and tapping into conversations with your Spirit Guides

  • Protection and cleansing magic

  • Manifestation and energetically connecting to your desires

  • Connecting to your ancestry and lineage

  • Stepping into the power of the Higher Self


  • A monthly live energy healing and teaching on zoom, this will be a space where I will offer a group energy clearing, and walk you through your own practice so you can further tap into your own gifts, and teachings to clarify how your connection to your spirit guides can be amplified through your daily magic

    A pre-recorded practice that allows you to practice expanding your intuitive gifts. Depending on the month, this could look like candle magic, working with herbs, meditative work, etc. This practice will help you engage in practical magic in a stretchy but doable way

    [Macro ONLY] Access to my Close Friends list on Instagram where there will be bonus trainings, q & a’s, and a place to share and hear stories from other people in the community

    [Macro ONLY] Live Spirit Q&A Calls where I pull tarot and connect with your spirit guides to deliver guidance for your questions and insight for the whole group. This gives us the space to anchor spirit lessons into your real life and experience powerful AHA moments

    An email at the beginning of the month outlining the theme we’ll be exploring which will give you the space to set your intention, get clear on where you want to expand your own gifts, and ground into the new energy you’ll be calling in. This will also outline what you can expect including the date/time for our monthly live call, and reflection questions to support your process throughout the month.

  • You can send me an email at

  • Yes, the calls will always be uploaded here under recordings.

  • You can cancel your membership at any point. When you cancel, you won’t be charged the following month. To do so, go to Account in the upper right-hand corner. Then, go to Account at the bottom. Finally, select Memberships. If you have any issues send me an email at